Party Pirate
In this heartwarming comedy, Tommy is a young actor/dishwasher with dyslexia who can’t seem to get a break.
One day, he lands a well-paying acting gig… as a pirate for a kids’ party bus. A series of misadventures, including a showdown with the pirate he displaced and a joyride on a stolen boat, threaten to turn it all into a spectacular failure, until Tommy learns how to fight his own battles while accepting what makes him unique.
An adult coming-of-age story told through a neurodivergent lens, with self-effacing humour, and some sweet stop motion animations.
Written by Luke Lawrence
Directed by Ruth Lawrence
Produced by Jennifer Hawley for Blue Pinion Films, Relatable Films and Party Pirate Films
Distributed by IndieCan Entertainment
Starring Luke Lawrence, Sima Sepehri, Che Durena, Joel Thomas Hynes, Patricia Andrews and Mary Walsh
FEATURE FILM - 2023 - 1hr19min